Corporate Culture

Key Points

  • Corporate culture is about the general way things are done in an organization
  • Strong cultures have clear values and standards that are subscribed to by all employees
  • Weak cultures lack clarity on values and may require more monitoring and micromanagement
  • Charles Handy identified four types of culture: power, role, task, and person cultures


Corporate culture refers to the way things are done in an organization, including collaboration, creativity, risk-taking, and conformity. Strong cultures have clear values that are embraced by all employees, leading to initiative, commitment, unity, and motivation. Weak cultures lack clarity and trust, resulting in the need for micromanagement. Charles Handy identified four types of culture: power cultures with centralized decision-making, role cultures with delegated authority and rules, task cultures with shared power in teams, and person cultures emphasizing individual skills. Different industries and leadership styles influence the type of culture formed. Changing corporate culture is challenging, requiring clear communication and consideration of staff views.

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