Production, Productivity and Efficiency

Key Points

  • Different methods of production: job production, flow production, batch production, and cell production
  • Job production is highly flexible but expensive
  • Flow production is cost-effective but lacks customization
  • Batch production combines flexibility and high output
  • Cell production combines the benefits of flow production and job production
  • Production is the total output, productivity is the output per unit of input
  • Improving productivity reduces cost per unit and improves competitiveness
  • Investing in capital equipment and improving labor productivity can increase productivity
  • Training and education programs can improve labor productivity
  • Motivating workers can also increase labor productivity
  • Job enrichment can increase worker engagement and motivation
  • Productivity is about increasing output per unit of input, while efficiency is about making the best use of resources
  • Efficiency can be improved by minimizing waste and using up-to-date technology
  • The balance between labor and capital intensive production can impact efficiency
  • The most efficient point for a business is where average costs are minimized


This video discusses different methods of production that businesses can use, such as job production, flow production, batch production, and cell production. Job production involves creating tailor-made products for individual customer needs, while flow production focuses on continuous production of standardized items. Batch production produces a set number of identical items with slight variations, and cell production combines the benefits of flow production and job production to produce flexible and individualized products on a large scale. The video also explains the difference between production and productivity, with production being the total output and productivity being the output per unit of input. Improving productivity is crucial for businesses as it reduces cost per unit and improves competitiveness. Factors that can increase productivity include investing in capital equipment, improving production processes, providing training and education to the workforce, and enhancing worker motivation.

Improving productivity and efficiency in a business can be achieved through various strategies. One approach is job enrichment, which involves making job roles more challenging and interesting to increase worker engagement and motivation. This, in turn, can lead to higher output per worker and increased productivity. However, productivity and efficiency are not the same thing. Productivity focuses on increasing output with the same amount of inputs, while efficiency is about making the best use of scarce resources. Increasing productivity without improving efficiency can result in increased waste. To improve efficiency, minimizing waste is crucial. Utilizing up-to-date technology and finding the right balance between labor and capital-intensive production can also enhance efficiency. The most efficient point for a business is where average costs are minimized, which is typically at a certain level of output. Labor-intensive production offers flexibility and lower initial costs, while capital-intensive production can increase productivity and cost savings through higher volumes. The decision between labor and capital-intensive production depends on factors such as the relative cost of labor and capital and the size of the business. Developed countries with higher labor costs tend to lean towards capital-intensive production, while emerging economies with lower labor costs favor labor-intensive production initially. However, as businesses grow, they may transition to capital-intensive production to benefit from increased productivity.

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