Competitive Markets and Monopoly

Key Points

  • Monopoly markets are characterized by high prices and low output, which negatively impacts consumers.
  • Monopolist firms with high degrees of monopoly power tend to be more inefficient compared to firms in competitive markets.
  • Monopoly power can bring benefits such as economies of scale, lower average costs, higher profits for investment in research and development, and innovation.


This module compares perfectly competitive markets with monopolies, highlighting their characteristics and the factors that influence their market power. Perfectly competitive markets have many buyers and sellers, produce homogenous products, have zero barriers to entry and exit, and firms are price takers. Monopolies, on the other hand, have significant market power, with one firm dominating the market or a few firms exerting influence. Barriers to entry, such as high startup costs, legal barriers, natural monopolies, and economies of scale, can make it difficult for new firms to challenge the dominance of larger firms. Concentration ratios measure the market share of the largest firms in an industry and indicate the level of competition. However, concentration ratios do not reveal the nature of the market or the conduct of the firms. Some highly concentrated markets may have colluding firms, while others may have intense competition.

Monopoly markets are characterized by high prices and low output, which negatively impact consumers. The lack of competition allows monopolists to charge higher prices, as consumers have no alternative options. Additionally, monopolist firms tend to be less efficient compared to firms in competitive markets, as they lack the incentive to make cost savings and improve efficiency. However, there are some benefits to monopoly power. Firms with monopoly power can benefit from economies of scale, leading to lower costs per unit and potentially lower prices for consumers. Monopoly markets also enable firms to make higher profits, which can be reinvested in research and development, leading to innovation and potential benefits for consumers in the long run.

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